Job Portal

Are you a consultancy service? Create a job portal for your business, make your business a brand, reach more people, create & manage your job postings & candidates.

With the current job market and the number of unemployed people, owning a job consultancy website could be a good business idea. You can be an agent to help unemployed people find jobs and get paid for it.

Consultancy portals are a new way for job seekers and employers to connect more efficiently. By creating your own job listing site, you’ll have the opportunity to focus on your target industry and network with other professionals in your field.

Job seekers can promote their profiles and find the perfect professional opportunity with just one search. Job consultancies have steady demand, and many businesses are now expanding into personalized coaching and job advisory services.

Get clients, offering your services as a job matching intermediary with placements fee.

Start your own website that focuses on helping people find jobs that fit their skills, desires, interests and local region. Offer opportunities for employers to plug into, as well as generate revenue with job listings packages.

  • Add, manage, and categorize job listings using the familiar UI.
  • Searchable & filterable ajax powered job listings added to your pages via shortcodes.
  • Frontend forms for guests and registered users to submit & manage job listings.
  • Allow job listers to preview their listing before it goes live. The preview matches the appearance of a live job listing.
  • Each listing can be tied to an email or website address so that job seekers can apply to the jobs.
  • Searches also display RSS links to allow job seekers to be alerted to new jobs matching their search.
  • Allow logged in employers to view, edit, mark filled, or delete their active job listings.
  • Developer friendly code – Custom Post Types, endpoints & template files.